Ma`ar neighborhood Zur Hadassah, Israel
1115Housing units
30,000 m2 - Trade and employment
5,000 m2 - Hotels
626 Dunam - Total area
Initial project estimation: $220M
Using inspector expected costs of project will be only $180M
Initial project time estimate: 72 months
Using Inspector expected time of the project will be 60 months.
To be saved: $40M
Sansan Bet 2 neighborhood Zur Hadassah, Israel
500 Housing units
3,000 m2 - Trade and employment
178 Dunam - Total area
Initial project estimation: $60M
Using inspector expected costs of project will be only $48M
Initial project time estimate: 60 months
Using Inspector expected time of the project will be 50 months.
To be saved: $12M
Makbat north neighborhood Zur Hadassah, Israel
284 Housing units
850 m2 - Trade and employment
321 Dunam - Total area
Initial project estimation: $40M
Using inspector expected costs of project will be only $32M
Initial project time estimate: 60 months
Using Inspector expected time of the project will be 50 months.
To be saved: $8M
Makbat south neighborhood Zur Hadassah, Israel
1296 Housing units
12,000 m2 - Trade and employment
362 Dunam - Total area
Initial project estimation: $90M
Using inspector expected costs of project will be only $65M
Initial project time estimate: 60 months
Using Inspector expected time of the project will be 50 months.
To be saved: $25M
Public open space Beit shemesh, Israel
Initial contractor bill: $2.5M
Reduced bill after processed with Inspector $1.8M
Saved: $700k
Hamishkafaim neighborhood Beit shemesh, Israel
Initial contractor bill: $4.7M
Reduced bill after processed with Inspector $4.5M
Saved: $200k
Yarmut stream park Beit shemesh, Israel
Initial contractor bill: $8.1M
Reduced bill after processed with Inspector $8M
Saved: $100k
Industrial park, Road intersection planning
Yoav, Israel
Initial tender: $2M
Implementing Inspector $1.4M
Saved: $600K
Mashkal -Local government zoning plan Israel
Initial tender: $5.5M
Implementing Inspector $3.8M
Saved: $2.3M
Arim development company Rehasim neighborhood, Israel
Initial tender: $7.4M
Implementing Inspector $4.6M